Chapter XII

Gift or Giver?

Are you wanting a blessing without the Blesser? A gift without the Giver? It would seem impossible that there could be anyone who would want the blessings of the Lord and yet not want the Lord Himself: that anyone would seek His gifts without the desire to find the Giver: yet this sometimes happens. People who do not want to make the full surrender that is necessary to get in touch with Christ Himself. They will read books about His blessings and promises, ask others to pray for them, attend all kinds of meetings; but to get alone with Him in prayer and tarry before Him with open heart until He has a chance to deal directly with them—this they will not do.

They do not want to come to close grips with Him, for He might look directly into their face and speak to them about some little matters which they would rather have overlooked. They do not want to have personal dealings with Him, for in the light of His presence there might be some revealings they are not ready for. They are not seeking personal contact, for they are not ready just now to pay the price such contact always demands. No; better follow afar off, they figure—try to get the blessing in some other way, than to come too close to the clear, white searchlight of that Presence; it would cost too much—a heart-searching for which they are not ready. Better not try to reach out and touch Him, as the woman of old touched the hem of His garment, for He would surely turn about and ask, “Who touched Me?” and then would follow a conversation which would surely bring to light some things that would be better hidden in the shadows, on the outskirts of the crowd. No; better not try to touch Him, for that means an unconditional surrender, al allegiance undivided, a real heart-searching. Better leave the heart out of it entirely, and just use head-faith instead of heart-faith. Thus reasons, perhaps unconsciously, the one who wants the blessing without the Blesser, the gift without the Giver. But head-faith will not bring the blessing and there are no gifts without the Giver, for Christ Himself is the fulfillment of every promise; the solution to every problem; the answer to every need.

Without Him ye can do nothing. You must get into personal contact with Him. You must have personal dealings with Christ Himself. You must touch Jesus; for there are no gifts without the Giver, no blessings without the Blesser! It is the quickest, easiest way, after all, to just step right out into the white searchlight of His presence, throw down every defense, put away every subterfuge, make a complete surrender. He who climbs up any other way and tries to rob the storehouse of Heaven is a thief and robber. You can’t pick the locks to God’s treasure-house. You must enter through the Door. Christ Himself is the Door.

This is the supreme blessing, the greatest benefit of the faith life, the highest reward—that it brings you into personal touch with the Lord Himself—straight into the very presence of the Giver, the King of kings. This touch is worth more than all the gifts. This personal contact is far more blessed than all the blessing, for it not only brings you the supply of your material need—it also brings the supply of your spiritual need, and throws open to the soul new vistas of glory, heights of attainment, and visions of riches in Christ Jesus never dreamed of.

For you who are seeking for some blessing, wanting to “get things from God,” let me give you this one verse of scripture in closing: let it sink deep into your heart, and my earnest prayer is that it shall be fulfilled in your life: “Delight thyself in the Lord, and He will give thee the desires of thine heart.” Oh, that God would reveal to each one now, so that we can get beyond all secondary things quickly, that it is Christ Himself—Jesus only, that is the greatest need of our life; the only Source of supply.

Reveal to us, O Lord, that we cannot have the blessings without the Blesser; the victory without the Victor; the light without the Sun of Righteousness; the fragrance without the Rose of Sharon; holiness without the Holy One; healing without the Healer; the life abundant without the Life-Giver… for Jesus is all and in all, the Source of Supply, the Stream that Never Runs Dry!